What is the use of Include Stdio?

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In the programming world, the “#include <stdio.h>” statement holds significant importance, particularly in C++. 

This Directive belongs to the C Standard Library and allows programmers to utilize actual input/output (I/O) operations. 

Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the functioning of C++ online compilers, which have become popular tools for testing and executing code without needing local development environments. 

This article will delve into the significance of “#include <stdio.h>” and explore its utilization in C++ online compilers.

But before all that, we must get an overview of these terms. So, let’s get started.

Understanding the “#include” Directive.

The “#include” Directive is a fundamental C and C++ programming language aspect. It is used to include external libraries or header files in a program. 

When a programmer includes a file using the “#include” Directive, the contents of that file are effectively inserted into the program at the location of the Directive before the actual compilation process begins.

The primary purpose of the “#include” Directive is to provide access to predefined functions, classes, constants, and other declarations contained in the included files. 

Other programmers or library developers typically create these files to encapsulate reusable code components. By including these files, programmers can use the functionalities provided by the included code without writing it from scratch.

The syntax for the “#include” Directive typically follows the pattern “#include <filename>”, where “filename” refers to the name of the header file or library to be included. 

The angle brackets “<>” are used for system or standard library files, while double quotation marks “” are used for user-defined or project-specific files.

In summary, the “#include” Directive is a crucial C and C++ programming mechanism for incorporating external code into a program. It enables code reuse, modularity, and access to predefined functionalities, contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of software development in these languages.

Overview of “<stdio.h>”

“<stdio.h>” is a header file that belongs to the C Standard Library. It stands for “standard input/output” and is an essential C and C++ programming language component. This header file defines a set of functions and constants that facilitate input and output operations in a program.

The “<stdio.h>” header file provides a wide range of input and output handling functions. One of the most commonly used functions is “printf()”, which allows programmers to display formatted output on the console or terminal. 

It supports printing variables, strings, and other data types, offering flexibility and control over the displayed information.

Another important function defined in “<stdio.h>” is “scanf()”. This function enables the program to receive input from the user. It allows for the reading and storing values into variables, making user interaction and data input seamless.

In addition to input/output functions, “<stdio.h>” also includes functions for file handling. These functions allow programmers to read from and write to files. 

Functions like “fopen()”, “fclose()”, “fread()”, and “fwrite()” provide the necessary mechanisms for opening files, closing files, and performing read/write operations on them.

Apart from functions, “<stdio.h>” defines several constants that are commonly used for file access modes, such as “stdin”, “stdout”, and “stderr”, which represent the standard input, output and error streams, respectively.

Overall, “<stdio.h>” is a vital header file that provides a comprehensive set of functions and constants for input/output operations and file handling in C and C++ programming, making it an indispensable component in developing robust and interactive applications.

Input/Output Operations with “<stdio.h>”

#include <stdio.h>” allows programmers to utilize essential input/output operations in their C++ programs. Here are some frequently used functions from “<stdio.h>”:

printf(): The “printf” function displays output to the console. It allows programmers to format and print text, numbers, and other variables.

scanf(): The “scanf” function enables the program to receive input from the user. It allows for the input of values into variables, facilitating user interaction.

File Handling: “<stdio.h>” also provides file handling operations like opening and closing files, reading from files, and writing to files. Functions like “fopen,” “fclose,” “fread,” and “fwrite” are utilized to perform these operations.

Importance of “#include <stdio.h>” in C++

The inclusion of “#include <stdio.h>” is essential in C++ programming for several reasons:

Standard Input/Output: By including “<stdio.h>,” programmers gain access to the standard input/output functionality, enabling them to interact with the user and display output effectively.

Code Reusability: “<stdio.h>” defines a set of commonly used functions, eliminating the need for programmers to reinvent the wheel. By including this header file, developers can reuse existing code and use well-tested and optimized I/O functions.

Compatibility: Many C++ code snippets and examples rely on “<stdio.h>” for I/O operations. Programmers ensure compatibility with existing code and libraries by including this header file, facilitating seamless integration.

Now, let’s move on to the next topic, i.e. C++ Online Compilers.

Utilisation in C++ Online Compilers.

C++ Online compilers have gained immense popularity due to their convenience and accessibility. These platforms allow programmers to write, compile, and execute C++ code directly from a web browser, eliminating the need for a local development environment.

The “#include <stdio.h>” statement is equally important in online compilers as in traditional programming environments. When programmers include this Directive, the online compiler ensures that the necessary functions from “<stdio.h>” are available for I/O operations. 

This allows users to execute programs that use the standard input/output facilities, making C++ online compilers versatile and capable of handling a wide range.


The inclusion of “#include <stdio.h>” is crucial in C++ programming as it grants access to essential input/output operations provided by the C Standard Library. By utilizing functions like “printf,” “scanf,” and file handling operations, programmers can interact with the user, display output, and manipulate files. 

Moreover, C++ online compilers rely on “#include <stdio.h>” to support the execution of programs that utilize standard input/output facilities.

Understanding the significance of “#include <stdio.h>” empowers C++ programmers to leverage its functionalities and take advantage of the comprehensive I/O capabilities offered by the C Standard Library. 

Whether developing code locally or utilizing C++ online compilers, including “<stdio.h>” enables seamless integration and compatibility, facilitating efficient programming and code reuse.

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