5 Tools To Make Your Emails More Effective

Everyone is still trying to solve the email problem. The email hall of infamy is littered with carcasses of careers destroyed and faces reddened because of an email faux passé. But hold on. This little post isn’t about the bad news. It is about the neat little tools that can get you ahead in the email writing department.
In this article, we will give you an insight on the top 5 tools that help turn a regular message into a highly effective one, while riding you of the most of the effort and guesswork.
1. Markdown Here
Markdown Here is a free cross-browser extension that helps you write emails in the web’s simplest markup language. Open the compose email box and then type down Markdown text. Right click on the empty space in the email and select the “Markdown Toggle” option from the resulting context menu. The Markdown text is converted to normal text with the formatting you specify in the Markdown syntax.

Markdown Here is available for the Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera web browsers, and the Thunderbird and Postbox email applications.
2. Grammarly
A poorly written text with lots of typos and mistakes make you look illiterate and unprofessional, not mentioning that sending such emails you leave a terrible impression on your colleagues and customers and this impression will last long… In order to avoid this, use Grammarly! This is a free app. It can be used online from the browser or added as an extension, which is quite convenient. Grammarly is deservedly called one of the best modern checkers because it quickly determines the structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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3. Gorgias
The unstylish way of using templates is to save them as drafts and canned responses. So, why not notch up your productivity with templates created with a free Chrome extension?

It works for Gmail, Outlook.com, and Yahoo. More advanced team features come with a paid account. Also, save email time with keyboard shortcuts for the mundane responses.
4. MailMentor
When it comes to business correspondence, there is no margin for error, so you have to be as clear and straight to the point as possible. We all understand that businesspeople barely have time for reading hundreds of emails a day, which is why it is important to write concise and clear messages. This is something Mail Mentor can help you with! Cramming your message with too many details and empty phrases can make your recipient miss the point you are trying to convey but this great tool will save you from this. Mail Mentor is a free tool that determines how reader-friendly your text is. It is simple in use. Just write your pitch and copy and paste it in the special box.

Then, just in a few moments, you get detailed feedback on your text’s readability with specific recommendations on how you can simplify and shorten it to make it more effective.
5. NewOldStamp
Not many people realize how effective their emails can get with this simple but important tool. An email business signature is like the business card that you hand over to every person you write. This tool is perfect for many purposes from creating a personalized style of messages to increase brand awareness. In addition, having a well-designed email signature can help you in many other ways:
- It helps you make a good impression on your customers;
- It works as a good marketing tool promoting your website, social accounts, and brand in general;
- It is a good tool to stick to your corporate style;
- It helps your recipients learn more about you faster and easier.